Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Reduction of the Cost of Industrial Insurance

By Sarah Martin

Two further developments helped to reduce the cost of industrial insurance in the twentieth century. As early as 1911 the company inaugurated a plan whereby industrial policyholders willing to pay weekly premiums directly and continuously to the home office or to a district office would receive a refund of 10% of the premiums. The following year this provision was included in the policy and became a contractual right of the insured. The Metropolitan was the first company to grant this allowance.

Large numbers of policyholders have taken advantage of this provision; in fact, more than 30% of the weekly premiums in force are now paid directly to the company, without collection commissions to agents; and the amount returned to policyholders in 1942 for such direct payment was about $7,700,000.

It is interesting to note that almost 30 years after this practice was adopted by the Metropolitan, it became a statutory requirement for companies in New York State, illustrating once again how the company's voluntary provisions for the benefit of policyholders have later become part of the insurance law, whether it be life insurance or cheap auto insurance.

The second development was the introduction in 1927 of industrial insurance on the monthly premium plan. This form of insurance was designed primarily to meet the requirements of men and women who could afford to buy policies for between $500 and $800 and to pay their premiums monthly. In the main, the monthly premium Industrial policy was intended for better circumstanced wage earning families. In recent years this type of insurance has also been made available in smaller amounts and on the lives of children.

The monthly premium policies are similar in their provisions to the weekly contracts. From its very inception this insurance has been participating and has had the benefit of the company's nursing service. Yet current rates for monthly premium insurance are 12% lower than on corresponding rates for weekly premium policies. In fact, Metropolitan monthly premium industrial insurance compares very favorably in cost with ordinary insurance in many other companies. It is not surprising, therefore, that its growth has been phenomenal. At the end of 1942 there were nearly 3,000,000 monthly industrial policies on the books for a total amount of insurance of nearly $1,400,000,000. In the following years an increasing proportion of the company's industrial business was on the monthly plan.

We may conclude this section on cost by referring to a report made in 1938 by the insurance department of the State of New York, after an intensive study made of Metropolitan industrial insurance. The State Examiners concluded that the net cost of weekly premium industrial insurance exceeds the cost of comparable substandard ordinary insurance, and even private health insurance, on the average, by only approximately 15% of the industrial gross premium.

The report pointed out that this figure may be further reduced to about 5% if premiums are paid to a district office under the privilege of the 10% refund. The examiners of the state insurance department, after 18 months of study, reached the conclusion that "these costs are not excessive in view of the service rendered." Their conclusions were reaffirmed as the result of a later examination.

Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer based out of San Diego, CA. She specializes in finance, business, and private health insurance. For cheap auto insurance quotes, please visit

Insurance Training

By Rama Krishna

Insurance Training is being offered in many universities in United States of America. Many of these universities offer choice both correspondence and classroom education. The courses are designed related to specific areas like Risk and property management, Agent broker pre licensing, worker's compensation etc. There are also many institutes which offer online courses beneficial to those already employed as insurance agents. All these universities also give professional certification to agents who h successfully complete their training programs and also give them the option of continuing their education for specializations.

Most of the training institutes and companies make sure that the training department is efficient enough to give simultaneous online or virtual class training to agents in various locations. Many Insurance companies sponsor the training charges to those already employed in the respective sectors. In addition to that many prominent companies and individual candidates prefer to have courses online. Some universities offer both in house classrooms training as well as online training.


  • Insurance Training instills professionalism and builds self confidence among the employees to tackle the pressure that goes with the industry.

  • It introduces candidates to various soft skills and behavioral techniques motivating good competition and better understanding of the market and business culture.

  • Insurance Training also provides the candidates an exposure of International insurance market scene to help them cope with day to day industry changes.

  • The training also gives enough sessions on other business oriented issues like human resource, investments and security concerns.


  • The training ensures good customer service and also enables to understand new products and regulations introduced in the market.

  • It also helps the agents to grasp various industry concepts, thereby encouraging focused analysis with regards to product and technical knowledge.

  • The training also provides a good background on effective data maintenance and content management.

  • The training encourages good competency within the industry and also among the agents.

Insurance training help the agents provide professional service to the public. It on the whole gives a wide picture and helps an agent address specific issues of a customer. The training also helps in building ethical values along with professional approach to the industry.

For more info visit : Insurance Training

Extended Health Care Benefits in Group Insurance Plans

By Kyle J Norton

As we mentioned in previous article, many corporations offer competitive packages, and that's even a strategy in hiring and retaining employees. These competitive packages include group insurance to plans that provide individual retirement accounts or traditional registered pension plans, etc. In this article, we will discuss fundamental principles of group insurance.

Group Insurance exists for the benefit of the complete group and therefore the individual member is not required to submit medical information. In this article, we will discuss the extended health care benefits in group insurance plan.

Extended health care is a benefit that picks up where basic health plan leave off. It provides an extension for some benefits and provides other benefits not available through the basic plans. The benefits is a supplement of the basic plan benefits until the basic benefit has reached it maximum payout. the core benefits of extended health care plan includes

a) Semi-private or private room accommodation in a hospital.

b) Prescription drugs

c) Private duty nursing

d) Ambulance services and paramedical services

e) Eye and hearing care

f) Dental care such as preventative care, major restoration and orthodontics

Both Health and Dental Care plans may have a deductible of $25 to $50 and /or co insurance factor of 80% reimbursed by the insurance company. Deductible are applied against the first claim of the calender year and co-insurance is applied against each claim. Extended health care may includes a limiting clause resulting in a lower premium being charged for the benefit.

Dental care normally has a maximum benefits that can be charged for each calendar year by each insured member and their dependents, such as $2000. Sometimes there is a different maximum for different levels of care. Please read details in your plan.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information, you can read the complete series of the above subject at my home page:

Kyle J. Norton

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact. I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990

Benefits of Group Insurance Plan

By Kyle J Norton

As we mentioned in previous article, many corporations offer competitive packages, and that's even a strategy in hiring and retaining employees. These competitive packages include group insurance to plans that provide individual retirement accounts or traditional registered pension plans, etc. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of group insurance Plan.

1. Benefits for employers

a) The insurance provided by company helps to reduce turnover,attract a higher class of employee and employees loyalty.

b) Provides for continuity of coverage of any new employees had previous coverage, making the employer more competitive in the labor market.

c) Creates a greater degree of employee security and efficiency.

d) Employers have a obligation to provide affordable employee protection.

e) Premium is easy to project and to adjust.

f) It is a deductible expense.

2. Benefits for employees

a) Employees received free insurance coverage without paying any premium when funded by the employer.

b) Do not require evidence of insurability on the larger plans.

c) Provide for employee security for employees dependents in the event of death, disability or critical illness.

d) Life insurance in the group insurance can be carried over to a new group policy or individual plan upon termination.

Please note that some companies have combined contribution and non contribution plan depending of seniority of each employee. This type of plan automatically enroll new hired employee and junior employees( less 3 years of seniority) into contribution plan and he or she requires to pay for portion of premium from 10% t0 30% or more before they can enroll into non contribution plan usually with seniority of 3 years or more.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information, you can read the complete series of the above subject at my home page:

Kyle J. Norton

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990

Insurance Fraud Affects Us All

By Cindy Hartman

Insurance fraud seems to be a common occurrence. Have you heard someone say that they claimed more than what they lost from a fire? Or stated their items were worth more than they really were so they could - in their words - recover the deductable, too?

One person claimed all his tools were top of the line. Not one wrench or screwdriver was purchased at Wal-Mart? Hard to believe! Another person claimed he had a closet full of custom-tailored suits, rather than some being purchased off the rack. Again, a statement I question.

When people file fraudulent claims, who do you think ends up paying for it in the long run? Everyone, through higher premiums. An insurance policy is to help you get back to where you were prior to your loss, not improve your way of life!

We've had many disasters in recent years, and predictions are that we'll continue to see hurricanes and tornados affect our lives. Fires continue to burn houses and business. Flooding is happening in areas of the country where it 'never' happened before. Wild fires continue to burn.

Fortunately, something is being done about it. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has stated that the Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force has brought federal charges against 907 individuals across the country since Katrina affected so many lives in 2005. The Task Force's responsibility is to deter, detect and prosecute those who try to take advantage of disasters related to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Gustav, and Ike, as well as other natural disasters.

The Task Force processes complaints and coordinates with law enforcement agencies to initiate investigations. Unfortunately, there are people who thrive on taking advantage of victims. The same is true in the situation of people trying to recover from disasters. It is a sad statement that such a task force is needed. However, we can be pleased that we have federal oversight on this wide-spread fraud.

More than 26,000 disaster fraud complaints have been received and over 17,000 have been or are being investigated. Just created this year, the Command Center now has a disaster fraud hotline to receive complaints related to the California wildfires, Iowa floods and Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

These are the wide-spread disasters, and this commission is addressing the fraud committed by people taking advantage of the disaster victims. But consider your individual policy. Many insurance agents have stated that fraud - whether the type investigated by the Task Force or those committed by the policy holders themselves - will encourage the insurance companies to be more stringent when requiring proof of ownership from their customers. When filing a claim, this will impact those who do not have an inventory of their belongings because they won't be able to provide this information.

What can you do? Report suspected fraud. And have a list of the contents of your home or business so you can support any claim you might need to file.

Cindy Hartman is President of Hartman Inventory, a woman-owned business. Visit her website at to discover more reasons you need a business or home inventory. Also view the Turnkey page to learn about the Hartman Inventory Systems, a complete turnkey business package; start and grow your own personal property inventory service. Cindy's blog, at, discusses marketing, management, entrepreneurship and asset inventories.


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