Many people used to ask the question repeatedly again and again, why home insurance? They in general out there with so many arguments against the home insurance. But I found all of them would be having same types of reasoning to argue why we need not go for home insurance. They will tell like this. See my area where I am staying for last two decades, nothing untoward instance have happened. There were no earthquake, there were no floods, there were no fire, there were no vandalism, and our area is very calm without any terrorist attacks and so on. And after all they will suggest that home insurance is not at all required, why to spend dollars from your wallet year by year.
All the above are correct, but when I ask them back, what you will do if your house is got damaged or destroyed by some reason? Are you 100% assured that your area would not be affected by any one of these eventualities? I simply asked then did any of us believed that, at least in dream, such an attack would have happened on 9/11. Do you think that your earth under your foot not having any earthquake genes in it? Is it not true that a cyclone like Katrina can occur at any time, irrespective of your prediction? If just a flood happens, what will be the status of your dream home? Who can rule out an angry mob coming and vandalizing all homes they come across? At least can you assure that a firebreak out will not happen at all in the home? Is it not enough a simple lighting or electric short circuit?
There was only one answer. The chance of coming such an eventuality is very less. True, but if any of such eventuality happened do you want to go with an empty wallet and a huge mortgage credit on your head? Is it not a right approach to insure the home for an equal amount of the cost of your home? You have to make a premium payment for the sum insured, which will be a much less amount comparing the amount of the policy insured. In case of a worst catastrophe, you stand to gain much; you can get back another dream home with the insured amount. If no eventuality happens, thank God and nature; you are just losing only a minimal amount. This minimal amount will assure you a perfect sleep, without any stress about the home and its contents.
Home insurance is a necessary protective precaution every one has to take to safeguard the hard earned money invested in the home. You must have taken huge amount as mortgage loan to acquire your dream home. Home insurance can only assure you from the credit debt like mortgage loans and other personal loans in case of any natural eventualities. It is imperative to go for insurance, make sure that you insure your home equivalent to an amount by which you can rebuild a dream home. Are you not clear now, why you require your house to be insured?
Jon Elton owns and operates a Car Home Life Insurance Quotes website to help while making decision about insurance. He also operates a Cheap Car Auto Insurance site to help taking decision about auto Insurance. |