Many people have a problem and disdain for buying insurance and generally these folks do not buy insurance unless they absolutely have to. In other words, unless they are worried about being arrested for not having insurance, they simply never purchase it.
Of course, we all know that if you borrow money for a car or home, the bank makes you buy insurance to protect their asset; the home you live in or the car that you drive. If you do not purchase that insurance the bank buys it for you and charges you for it. If you do not pay, they repossess or foreclose.
Many Americans do not have health insurance either and many of them by choice, as they simply do not want to pay the monthly premiums. If you are self employed as 10% of all Americans are you might not be forced to buy health insurance and so you don't.
Forty-five million Americans do not have health insurance and some analysts believe that nearly half do not purchase it by choice. That's fine unless something goes wrong; have you seen the price of health care lately?
If you drive a car and get involved in an accident, even if it is not your fault, you could be assigned partial blame and if someone is injured severely you could be sued for your entire life's savings, without insurance you will have to pay if you lose the court battle, pay for the attorneys and they will seize your assets if you cannot pay.
Can you see why you need insurance or you could lose everything? This is why you need to buy insurance. Please consider all this.
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